Whether you have noticed an area of concern on your face or mouth on your own accord or have been referred to us by a dentist or doctor, we’re ready to help. You’ll consult with our experts to come up with a treatment plan that best fits your medical needs and discuss next steps to move forward.
You don’t have to continue to live with a painful or misaligned jaw—an issue that can affect so many aspects of your daily life, from eating, breathing, sleeping, and chewing to your facial appearance and smile.
Orthognathic surgery, known colloquially as jaw surgery, involves the surgical correction of the jaw or face, and can greatly relieve jaw issues and discomfort over the long term.
Why get orthognathic surgery? Our patients come to us with a variety of medical histories, which commonly include:
- Jaw trauma or past jaw trauma.
- Obstructive sleep apnea.
- TMJ.
- A misaligned or open bite.
- Painful clicking, popping, or locking.
- Painful chewing or swallowing.
- A receding or protruding jaw or chin.
- An asymmetrical jawline.
Our doctors will work with you to assess your medical needs and create an appropriate treatment plan that prioritizes your unique case—plans that could include medication, physical therapy, or more significant procedures. All surgeries are performed on-site by our nationally-renowned staff, with the assistance of a board-certified anesthesiologist as well as registered nurses to provide you with the highest quality of care.
Every step of our process is carried out by field experts, from the associates who process your insurance, to the nurses who provide you with overnight care. At the same time, our state of the art facility allows our specialized medical team to treat these patients in our beautiful outpatient center located in Bozeman, Montana.
Contact Our Team Today
Our maxillofacial team specializes in orthognathic surgery and is dedicated to answering your questions and getting you the care that you need. If you are considering correctional jaw surgery, please contact us today.
Visiting For Care From Out Of State
Since our maxillofacial surgeons are known nationally as experts in maxillofacial surgery, patients travel to Gallatin Valley Surgical Arts from great distances to address their unique concerns. We have onsite licensure and credentialed services with overnight nursing care for nausea and pain management. Our medical team is used to accommodating these out-of-state patients and strives to minimize the inconveniences associated with travel. Most of our consultations and postoperative treatments are performed through telemedicine and we can help you find a provider in your area to gather needed x-rays and models prior to treatment.
Our team is happy to help patients plan for travel, book accommodations, and coordinate care before, during, and after the surgery.