Sleep Apnea and COVID-19: Everything You Need to Know In March 2020, a novel coronavirus spread across the globe, and COVID-19 entered our vocab...Read More
Patient Story: Airline Pilot John Nitz Reclaims His Life From Sleep Apnea Airline Pilot John Nintz thought that the fatigue and health issues caused by his obstruct...Read More
Patient Story: Cliff Abraham Tried Everything Before Trying Sleep Apnea Surgery A common story that we hear at Surgical Sleep Solutions is that the people who find us hav...Read More
Can Your Mattress Help Your Sleep Apnea? You might have seen on the internet ads proclaiming that a new mattress—or a very specific...Read More
How Sleep Apnea Could Be Affecting Your Relationship You’ve probably read a lot about how sleep apnea can affect your health, from increasing y...Read More