Blepharoplasty: Could Eyelift Surgery Be Right For You?
Your eyes are a window into who you are, and more than any of our other features, they convey our energy and personality. It makes sense, then, that eye lift surgery is a comparably simple outpatient cosmetic procedure that can take years off of your face while making you appear brighter, younger, and more energetic.
Eye lifts work to remove excess skin, fat build-up, and bags that make the eyes look less alert or awake. If you’ve been considering the benefits of an eyelift, reach out to our staff today to schedule your consultation with our nationally renowned doctors.
What Is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, more commonly known as an eye lift or eyelid surgery, involves the removal of excess skin on the upper or lower eyelids.
Over time, the delicate skin around our eyes stretches, as the muscles around them simultaneously weaken with age. As this occurs, skin can sag and droop, causing our eyes to have a “heavy” or “tired” look. This sagging is not only cosmetic but can also cause issues with peripheral vision in some patients.
Blepharoplasty is an outpatient surgery that tightens the skin around your eyes and results in a younger, brighter appearance.
The Eye Lift Procedure
Eyelid surgery can take place on one or both eyes and on both the top and bottom eye lid—though it’s most commonly performed on both eyes at once.
During an initial consultation, you will discuss with your doctor your wants and needs for the surgery as well as your medical history. Your surgeon will also take a look at your face and eyes and determine with you whether you’re a good candidate for the surgery.
Surgery is done in-house at our surgical center, with our experienced, nationally-known team. Most eyelid surgeries last about an hour and involve making small incisions around the eyes to pull and tighten the skin in the area. The incision marks will be hidden by the natural creases in the eyelids.
Depending on the details of the procedure (such as whether you have paired your eye lift with other procedures), you may return home on the day of the surgery and continue your recovery. Most people require a week of downtime and away from work to recovery, and then several more weeks before they can return to strenuous activity.
Pairing Eye lifts With Other Cosmetic Procedures
While an eye lift can brighten and rejuvenate the eyes, some patients opt to pair it with other cosmetic procedures that can revitalize the whole face. These procedures include:
- Facelift
- Brow lift
- Neck lift
- Rhinoplasty
- Chin implant
- Cheek implants
- Injectables
- Skin resurfacing or peels
These procedures can give you a more complete look, and picking a combination can be more economical while reducing cumulative recovery time. Talk to your
Scheduling An Eye Lift Consultation
Could an eye lift be the right fit for you? The best way to find out is to talk to an experienced blepharoplasty surgeon during a consultation. Meet our team, get your questions answered, and learn more about our surgical arts center and mission. Contact us today to schedule.